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I Have Been Here All Night With Baby

I Have Been Here All Night With Baby

"You dont have to look far to see we are all about Babies. The cuties of the World. And we are working to make things great for kids. I have been here all night with baby. And awake all night with baby. Some nights are more challenging than others. I try co-sleeping and baby."

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I Have Been Here All Night


I find this apropos ( reference to child's play) to my current position in life - mom of a 1 month old, breastfeeding on demand & experimenting with aspects of attachment parenting such as co-sleeping and baby wearing. So far, we are 50/50 on the idea of baby wearing and pretty much wanting to avoid co - sleeping as far as a family bed.

Co-Sleeping With Baby

This bed has been my second home since October. I say this openly and without (much) griping. Bedrest, though maddening at times, I think helped with my pregnancy. That’s not to say that I spend all of my time in bed or in the bedroom. But, it’s where I’m situated and my ‘home-base’ of sorts.


And now that she’s here, her bassinet is in our bedroom within arms reach of our bed. Most nights, she spends at least half the night in our bed (either nursing or sleeping) and during the day - she’s near inseparable from my side. That all being said, when she’s up- I’m up even if that means being up all night. Her schedule pretty much dictates mine and I wouldn’t try to change that for anything. She’s a baby, shes going to let me know when she needs to be fed, changed or wants to be held. Be that during the day or all hours of the night. Some nights are more challenging than others, but at the same time, I am okay with that. I realize that she could be awake all night or that she could have colic. There could be a number of things that she could have or could be doing but she does not. And if she was doing those things or if she did have colic, well… I wouldd take that as it comes and keep on keeping on.

He Is Sleeping While I Am Awake

My husband helps when and where he can. I dont pump and we made the decision to breastfeed exclusively so he cant help with feeding her, but he helps otherwise and for that I’m greatly appreciative. Still, I admit, there are times I feel a bit envious that he is sleeping while I am awake with her. But, I also keep that in perspective. I am not working, he is. And until I go back to working outside of the home or otherwise, his income is what we survive on.


Having said all of that, while shes still napping and I’m going to attempt to finish lunch, sort through some mail and clear my inboxes.


I have been here all night. By By: Kori
She Is Baby Awake Awake all night with baby and colic, co-sleeping with baby. She is baby and I am awake.
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    Add Babies .. premium domain name. This domain name uses the dot com extension it is easy to spell and remember. And is a catchy name. You can easily buy this top-quality registered domain name. Call 1-866-284-4125 ( outside the U.S. call +1 339-222-5134 ) is available and for sale! Here. Copyright © 2023 Add Babies. All Rights Reserved.